periodontitisinflammationgumsdental plaquegingivacariessinusitisdiverticulosistartardiseaseflossingbiofilmsepitheliumulcerteeth

I got into a fight with my girlfriend who has gingivitis

I was spitting facts whilst she was spitting blood.
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Why did the queen go to the dentist?

She had severe gingivitis.
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This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

Another great salesman

One day the manager of a door-to-door toothbrush sales business calls in his three new employees.

He asks the first guy, "how much did you sell today?"

"Well, I sold 30 toothbrushes."

"That's not bad for your first day," replies the manager, "what was your sales technique?"

A Unit With a Reputation

A rough old general has heard about a unit with the reputation of being filled with the toughest soldiers around and decides he needs to go and check them out. After reviewing the troops on parade he decides to go to the medical tent to meet the soldiers who weren’t at parade.

The general get...
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The Wire Brush

An Army officer decides to inspect soldiers recovering in one of the field hospitals he commands. He marches into one of the tents, goes up to the first private he sees and barks, "What's your affliction, private?" 

Standing at attention, "Venereal warts, SIR!"

He then asks, "And what ...
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