waylayambushlurkambuscadescupperlie in waitsaunterrecrosswaitliveworkmakepathlessnoiselesslyprotract

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

Did you hear that the Trump press conference today was held between landscaping store and a porno shop?

Turns out, he was just looking for a new hoe.

...ugh, I know this is terrible. Must do better.

Like, something something Bushwhacked.

'little help?

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

You must pass two tests, or die

Three explorers were bushwhacking their way through darkest Africa when they came upon an undiscovered tribe of cannibals.

The Chief informed them that they must each pass two important tests, or they would be eaten.

They were told for test number one, they must go into th...

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