
Did you hear Disney is making Austin Powers into a Jedi?

It's called Obi-have

What did Austin Powers say when he visited the apiary?

Oh bee HIVE!

A fav from Austin Powers

Hope a movie script is okay for this subreddit:
Dr. Evil and Austin Powers are hurriedly climbing up a ladder, when Austin falls, grabbing onto Dr Evil's pants on the way down, thus dropping his pants a certain amount:
Austin *in his heavily accented voice* : "You know, Dr. Evil... I always th...

Anyone remember this from the Austin Powers commercial?

"If you see one movie this summer... see Starwars... but if you see two movies see Austin Powers...."

At 26 years old. I just learned

That the Austin Powers movies are James Bond spoofs.

TLDR: The joke is my life.

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