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I bought a pair of nunchucks today.

Highly recommended; they've already chucked two annoying nuns away from me.

How many nuns would a nunchuck chuck if a nunchuck could chuck nuns?


I asked my friend if I can borrow his nunchucks.

He said “Sure knock yourself out”

That’s the last thing I remember.

I bought some deer leg nunchucks for $20.

I said, "$20? They used to be under a buck!"

Ten years into the war, both sides ran out of bullets for their guns.

They decided to use bows and arrows instead.

But ten years later, still strong in the war, both sides ran out of arrows and flint. So both sides used swords and axes.

But a decade after that, both sides ran out of metal, and they had to resort to weapons made of wood, like bo- staffs ...

What’s a religious person’s favourite weapon?


What weapon does a Catholic ninja use?


What do you call a church-owned catapult?

A nunchuck!

What do you call a religious women who throws things?

A nunchuck

What do you get when you cross a postulant woman with a marmot?


How do you beat up a priest?

With NUNchucks

What does a trebuchet in a convent and Bruce Lee have in common?

They're both nunchuckers.

Yes lame but it's OC

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Sam Loved Ninjas

Little Sam loved ninjas. He'd think about them all day and watch ninja movies all night.

He had a ninja costume, throwing stars, the whole shebang.

One day he's playing around and whacks himself in the eye with a nunchuck, he runs downstairs to his mum bawling "Mummy mummy mummy look...

I finally saw Kung Fu Panda.

I'm certainly not an expert, but I thought the nunchuck scene looked kind of fake.

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