
Egoist: A person more interested in himself...

...than in me

An egoistic tourist goes on a tour of London.

Walking past an enormous building, he boasts "We have buildings 4 times the size of that where I'm from."

The tour guide replies "I'm not surprised. That's a lunatic asylum."

Two girls are talking.

\- So, - the first one asks. - How did your last date go?

Oh, you won't believe it. He turned out to be such an egoist!

\- Really? What did he do?

\- Well, he had a condom with all these bumps, ridges, prongs...

\- Then how come you are calling him an egoist?

\- He...

How many egoists does it take to change a lightbulb?

One. They simply hold the bulb and wait for the world to revolve around them.

I wanted to tell you a joke about egoists...

but I'll keep that one for myself.

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔


1) Polite - farts and says "Pardon!"

2) Cynic - Farts while looking you directly in the eyes

3) Chivalrous - lets the lady fart first

4) Gourmand - Farts for his own pleasure

5) Sentimental - Farts and says "Oh..."

6) Idealist - farts out of conviction

7) C...

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