
A man goes to confess that he’d stolen someone's cow.

He was very much wracked with guilt in his confession.

The priest forgave him in God's name, but added that in a secular sense, he still needs to return the cow.

The thief asks, "Will you take the cow, then, Father?"

The priest says, "No my son, I cannot accept."

The con...
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Priest doing crossword in the confessional.

A priest sat in the confessional. He was bored by all the same old confessions, so he was working on a crossword puzzle. Suddenly, he heard the confessor saying, "Father? Father? Are you listening to me?"

"I'm sorry." said the priest, "Now I must be the one to confess. I was working on this ...

There are two guys walking in front of a large church. One guy says to the other, "Just a minute, I'll be right back."

There are two guys walking in front of a large church. One guy says to the other, "Just a minute, I'll be right back."

He goes into the confessional and says, "Father forgive me, for I have sinned. I have had two extramarital affairs."

The Father says, "You need to say 40 H...
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A priest needs to go to the bathroom, but it's a busy day so he asks an altar boy to work the confessional for a little while...

The priest tells the boy, "don't worry, all the sins and their punishments are listed inside on the wall."

So the altar boy goes in. The first confessor, a woman enters. "Bless me father for I have sinned: I gave my boyfriend a blowjob."

The altar boy is looking on the punishment sheet...

A priest is in a confession booth.

He gets done with his current confessor and he looks out into the church and sees a bunch of people in line. He has to go to a funeral soon and he goes next door to the supermarket.

He asks the cashier who he has know for years and the priest asks if the cashier can take over. The cashier at ...
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A caretaker had been working at a church for almost 30 years

One day while the priest was doing confessions, he got a phonecall telling him that his father was dying and he needed to come to his bedside as soon as possible. Not wanting to let down the people needing confessions, he asked the caretaker to fill in. "You've been here long enough to know the dri...

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It's a Sunday morning and a priest realizes he was supposed to go golfing

He goes to the janitor and says "listen, i know this is highly unusual, but i have to leave. Could you cover confession for me?"

The janitor agrees so the priest writes a list of common sins and their respective pennances.

Once in the booth, a man comes in and says he committed adulter...

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Talk to the Deacon...

Time for more awful jokes everyone's favourite billion-member strong religious institution; the Catholic Church!

A large middle-aged man walks into a Catholic church. Clearly in a unclear state of mind, he shakily pulls himse...

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