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People always say I fall for the slippery slope fallacy...

What’s next? Schizophrenia? Psychosis ?
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The danger with online porn is that it's a slippery slope

First, you click one link. Then that leads you to another, then another, then another...

Then, before you know it, your pants are off, it's four hours later, and you're getting weird looks from everyone else in the library.

I hope I never get addicted to skiing..

... but it's a slippery slope
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I have a confession. Lately I've been greasing up all the wheelchair ramps around town.

I've tried so hard to stop, but once you start it's a really slippery slope...
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What do you call a horny asian woman?

Actually, I'm not going to finish that. It's a slippery slope.

Sure you're just sledding now

But sledding is a gateway to other things.
Soon you'll be tobogganing.
And snow-tubing.
And snowboarding.
And skiing.

It's a slippery slope.
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My wife has fallen when walking down our driveway near to a dozen times at this point.

From the very beginning I told her it was a slippery slope.
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Don't have shower sex

It's a slippery slope that leads to bath things

My child is becoming addicted to water slides

I’m afraid she’s going down a slippery slope..
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Why shouldn’t you let somebody who just got out of rehab go skiing?

Because it’s a slippery slope
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What do you call a water slide with cocaine at the end?

A slippery slope
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I recently got very addicted to skiing

My doctor told me I'm going down a slippery slope
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I think my niece has a burgeoning slip 'n slide addiction

Once you go down one, it's just a slippery slope.
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