contemptdisdainsatireracismparrotambrose biercemark twainlightbulb jokelawyerethnic jokeself-deprecationblonde jokeelectric chairlogical fallacyivo of kermartin

Let’s hear your best lawyer joke. I’ll go first.

Why do lawyers wear neckties?

To hold the foreskin back.

Lawyer joke

There is a trucker who hates lawyers so much he always runs them over with his truck whenever he sees one. One day he sees a priest hitchhiking and decides to give a ride to the holy man. As they go along the road, the trucker spots a lawyer by the side of the road and steers to run him over. At the...

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My favourite lawyer joke

A man walks into a bar and orders a drink.
Upon receiving his drink he mutters: 'all
lawyers are assholes.'
A guy down the bar angrily yells: 'HEY!'
'Oh I'm sorry, are you a lawyer?' The man replies.
'No I'm an asshole!'

Warning: Lawyer joke ahead

A big-city lawyer went duck hunting in rural North Alberta.

He shot and dropped a bird, but it fell into a farmer's field on the other side of a fence.

As the lawyer climbed over the fence, an elderly farmer drove up on his tractor and asked him what he was doing.

The litigator ...

Lawyer Joke

I'm reading Thomas King's book "Obsidian" and there's a line it that asks "Why do lawyers look like psychopaths? Because they don't want to look like politicians."

Another Lawyer Joke

A very successful attorney parked his brand-new Bentley in front of his office, ready to show it off to his colleagues. As he was getting out, a truck came along too closely and completely tore off the driver's door.

Fortunately, a cop in a police car was close enough to see the accident and ...

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My (lawyer) mom's favorite lawyer joke

A large law firm is getting a lot of bad press because they don't have any women in the firm, so the heads of the firm get together and decide to hire three women and make one of them full partner.

After selecting three candidates, they devise a test to figure out which of them to mak...

Lawyer Joke

A man is visiting a seaside town and walks into a pawn shop. He sees a large statue of a rat. “How much for the rat statue?” he asks. The pawnbroker responds, “It’s $10 for the statue, but $20 if you want the story that goes with it,” to which the customer replied, “I only want the statue.”


Another Lawyer Joke

A defendant in a lawsuit involving large sums of money was talking to his lawyer. "If I lose this case, I'll be ruined!"
"It's in the judge's hands now," said the lawyer.
"Would it help if I sent the judge a box of cigars?"
"No! The judge is a stickler on ethical behavior. A stunt lik...

Short lawyer jokes

Why wouldn't a snake bite a lawyer?

\- Professional code of ethics

When do you know a lawyer is lying?

\- When the lawyer's lips are moving

Why state A has more lawyers and state B has more toxic waste dump sites?

\- State B got to chose first

Lawyer Joke

The United Way realized that it had never received a donation from the city's most successful lawyer. So a United Way volunteer paid the lawyer a visit in his lavish office.

The volunteer opened the meeting by saying, 'Our research shows that even though your annual income is over two milli...

Lawyer Joke

Did you hear about the new stamps with famous lawyers?

Apparently they got recalled because people got confused which side to spit on.

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Lawyer joke from my 8 year old

What do you call a crappy lawyer?

An a-turd-ney

Lawyer joke

Lawyer Joke!

On their way to get married, a young Catholic couple were involved in a fatal car accident. The couple found themselves sitting outside the Pearly Gates waiting for St. Peter to process them into Heaven.

While waiting they began to wonder; Could they possibly get married i...

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Lawyer joke

A lawyer is in an elevator when a stunning woman walks in. When the doors close she turns to the lawyer and says "what if I dropped to my knees right here and gave you a blow job?"

The lawyer replies "OK, but what's in it for me?"

Lawyer Joke Thread

Submit your favorite lawyer jokes!

How many lawyer jokes are there?

3. The rest are true stories

Lawyer joke

* Lawyer: "Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a pulse?"
* Witness: "No."
* Lawyer: "Did you check for blood pressure?"
* Witness: "No."
* Lawyer: "Did you check for breathing?"
* Witness: "No."
* Lawyer: "So, then it is possible that...

Lawyer Joke - 3 Questions

A man who needs legal help goes to a lawyer’s office. After being escorted inside, he sits across the desk from the lawyer. The man needs legal help, but he wants to make sure he can afford it first. “Can you tell me how much you charge?” he asks.

“Of course,” the lawyer replies, “I charge...

Another lawyer joke

A guy calls a law office and says: "I want to talk to my lawyer."

The receptionist replies, "I'm sorry, but he died last week."

The next day he phones again and asks the same question. The receptionist replies, "I told you yesterday, he died last week."

The next day the guy c...

The problem with telling lawyer jokes is

Lawyers don't think they're funny, and everyone else doesn't think they're jokes.

My all time favorite lawyer joke.

Q: What's the difference between a porcupine and a BMW full of lawyers?

A: The porcupine has the pricks on the outside.

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A collection of lawyer jokes.

My grandfather was a lawyer & judge and had a fantastic sense of humor. He has many humorous law books, and the following are some his favorite selections from Larry Wilde's book *The Ultimate Lawyers Joke Book*. Hope you enjoy..


ohho Epic lawyer joke

A doctor notices a sidewalk stand that says 'brains for sale.' He goes over to investigate and sees a sign that says 'Doctor brains $8.00 a pound’ and another sign that says ‘Paramedic brains $12.00 a pound, Nurses brains $30.00 a pound, truck driver $40.00 a pound and lawyers brains $90.00 a pound....

Lawyer Joke....

A lawyer defending a man accused of burglary tried this creative defense: "My client merely inserted his arm into the window and removed a few trifling articles. His arm is not himself, and I fail to see how you can punish the whole individual for an offence committed by his limb."

"Well put,...

Lawyer Joke

You know it was a cold day in Washington when you see lawyers walking around with their hands in their own pockets.

Lawyer Joke :)

What's the difference between a Lawyer & a Hooker?
A hooker quits screwing you when you're dead :)

Lawyer Joke

The phone rings at Smith and Associates Law Firm. The receptionist answers, and the voice on the other end says"I'd like to speak to Mr. Smith the lawyer please." The receptionist asks in a somber tone,"Are you a client of Mr. Smith's?" "No," the caller says "but my ex wife was." the receptionist re...

You shouldn't tell lawyer jokes

Lawyers are people, just like you and me. In fact, I bet if you split open a lawyer's chest, you'll find a heart of gold. And if you don't, hey, at least you split open his chest.

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Another lawyer joke

What's the difference between a lawyer and a catfish?

One's a scum sucking bottom-feeder and the other is a fish.

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