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I made a video about the symbiotic relationships between fungus and algae

Don't forget to lichen subscribe!

Where does algae drive their cars?

On the rhodophyta.

What did the mermaid wear to her math class?

An algae bra.

Moss and Algae take a liking to each other.

Algae and a Moss took a liking to each other and soon after got married. After a few years they realized their marriage was on the rocks.

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Why had the two algae never had sex?

Because they had a planktonic relationship.

I saw a rainbow flag covered in seaweed.


My math teacher grew seaweed on his wife's undergarments.

He really was fond of algae-bra.

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What do mermaid mathematicians use to hold their breasts up?

An algae-bra.

What do you get when you push a female mathematician into a swamp?

Algae bra

What kind of math do fish like?


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There was once a scientist doing research on some microscopic organisms.

To his surprise, he found out that a particular species was completely homosexual.

They're algae.

Why was the mermaid so good at math?

Because she wore an algae-bra.

Last night I dreamt my math teacher was a mermaid…

and my secret lover.

But she dumped me after I couldn’t unhook her top part.

Too bad. I failed my algae bra test.

Why did the kelp attend Pride?

Because it was part of the algae-BT community.

What did the Hawaiian mathematician say when he was at the aquarium?

That’s algae brah.

Marine biology

I was going to study marine biology dude. Turns out it was just a lot of maths.

Really dude? What course?

Algae brah.

Why did the ghetto math teacher eat aquatic plants?

He just liked algae, bruh

What do college fish study?

Algae brah... I know it sucks but it was the only joke I've ever come up with!

Creation vs. Evolution

After a sermon on creation, a curious young boy asked, "Dad? How did we get here?"
"Remember God created EVERYTHING in six days. On the sixth day, he scooped up some dust and made Adam. He took one of Adam's ribs and made Eve. They had kids and their kids had kids and so on, so that's how we'...

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What happened when the mathematician put seaweed on her boobs?


Why was the mermaid embarrassed and crying in the classroom?

She forgot her Algae-bra. Ha..

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Jesus & Moses in a boat

so jesus and moses were rowing a boat fishing for supper and after no action Jesus was getting bored and he was like 'hey moishe, moishe--check it out, you think i can still walk on water? you think i still have it? how much you wanna bet i can still walk on water?' Moses says 'i'll take any bet you...

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