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Why did George W. Bush call it "Shock and Awe"?

Because "Terror" had already been taken.

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The Three Challenges

**TL;DR:** Jokes don't have TL;DRs.

A man named Andrew walks into a bar, makes his way to the stool and asks the bartender for some Whiskey, on the rocks.

As the bartender serves Andrew his order, his eyes fall on a relatively large jar of money filled with $100 bills. He gets curious...

A man finds a genie in a bottle...

A British man is walking a long a beach one day and finds a lamp in the sand. Hoping for the best he rubs it and almost instantly a genie appears. The genie says, "for releasing me from this lamp I will grant you one wish." The man is in a state of shock and awe from not only being granted a wish bu...

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The danger of eating Chili

I went grocery shopping this weekend, which in
hindsight may not have been very wise.

You see, the previous evening I had prepared and consumed a massive quantity of my patented 'You're definitely going to shit yourself' chili. Tasty stuff, albeit hot to the point of being painful,which ...

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