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Mike Tyson vs a Shark for shark week isnโ€™t fair

I mean one is a finely tuned killing machine notorious for biting its prey but the other is a shark

Having Shark Week is totally racist

because all I hear that week is Great White

I hate how Shark Week tries to playoff Sharks as "gentle caring creatures that are misrepresented by the media".

It doesn't matter what they say, I'm still not voting to re-elect the president.

Shark week is actually the safest time to go to the beach

Because all of the sharks are busy being on TV.

People from Boston will never forget that Shaquille O'Neal is hosting Shark Week this year.

They love Shaq Week.

Why did the shark cross the Great Barrier Reef?

...To get to the other tide!

Shark Week Hoo Ha Ha!

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