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I can't stand all these negative horses

I've got no time for neigh sayers
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Why did Joe Rogan take ivermectin?

To prove the neigh sayers wrong.
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Why aren’t horses allowed in the Catholic church?

Because they’re neigh sayers
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As a farmer, my days can be a bit lonely. I find solace in discussing my dreams and goals with my animals. Well all of my animals except for the horses, never the horses...

I wouldn’t discuss anything with that group of neigh sayers.
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Why are horses the most unproductive animal to have in office meetings?

Because they're all just neigh-sayers
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There are some that are against the practice of eating horse

but I say never mind the neigh sayers.
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Horses are the biggest haters I know

Fucking neigh-sayers

Horses are very pessimistic

In fact they're the worst neigh-sayers I know
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Do you think horses are negative?

They seem like real neigh sayers, and they're always whinnying about everything
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So I went to a stable for a self confidence boost

I found myself surrounded by a bunch of neigh-sayers.
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Topical Joes (5/13)

Alright guys, here we are to recap the day's jokes. Let's get started.

First off in the news, it looks like the TSA arrested a woman for singing Whitney Houston on an airplane - but you should've seen what the TSA did when they caught those ridiculous musical militants of the Elton Jihad.

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