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Best knock knock joke ever..

Three brothers age 92, 94 and 96 live in a house together.

One night the 96 year old draws a bath, puts his foot in and pauses. He yells down the stairs, "Was I getting in or out of the bath?"

The 94 year old yells back, "I don't know, I'll come up and see." He starts up the stairs and...

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I need a good Knock Knock joke.

A profile on a dating profile had the prompt "I'm funnier than you," so my opener was "Knock Knock." And now I'm fucked cause I don't actually know any decent ones other than the Randy Feltface one, which doesn't work with text.

Edit: Picked one. Let's see how it goes. I did not pick any of t...

Daughter made up a cute knock knock joke:

Knock knock
Who’s there?
Let’s eat…
Let’s eat who?

What are you a cannibal?

Whoever invented the knock knock jokes

Should get a Nobell prize.

Let me tell you my favorite knock knock joke!

You start

My 5 year olds painful twist on a knock knock joke

I was telling my son the "knock knock who's there banana joke", and he laughed and told me to tell it to him again. As I said knock knock he then backhanded my face and said "you shouldn't stand so close to the door"

A surprisingly good/funny knock knock joke I wrote yesterday.

Knock knock

Who's there?

Beware, the owl people are infiltrating our town!

Beware, the owl people are infiltrating our town, Whooo

Oh no im too late!

Joke Request: Any Kid Friendly Pony Themed Knock Knock Jokes?

Hey r/Jokes,

My 2 year old daughter recently learned about knock knock jokes and she LOVES them! However, she keeps adamantly asking for a good knock knock joke about ponies, but I can't find any anywhere. Can anyone help me find a good kid friendly knock knock joke about ponies? I...

Why are there no knock knock jokes about America?

Cause' freedom rings

I tried to tell a homeless person a knock knock joke...

Punch line unnecessary.

Why doesn’t the Grinch like knock knock jokes?

Because there's always Whos there!

Knock Knock Joke

Knock Knock


Who's there?


The interrupting cow


The interrupting co-




The interru-





Knock knock joke

Knock knock.

Who’s there?

Unreliable Narrator.

Unreliable Narrator who?

That’s not what I said.

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The best knock knock joke EVER

Knock knock.

Who‘s there?

Poop. .

Poop who?

Ha ha ! you said poo poo!

My daughter made that up.
I am so proud!

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Nazi Knock Knock Joke

Nazi: Knock Knock

Person: Who's there?

Nazi: * slaps person * WE WILL ASK SE KWESTIONS!!!

My son created a kids safe Godzilla Knock Knock Joke

Son: Knock Knock

Victim: Who's there?

Son: Godzilla

Victim: Godzilla who?

Son: Raaawr! Chomp!

My 3 year old's knock knock joke - innocence shattered

3 yr old: Knock Knock Daddy!

Me: Who's there?

3 yr old: (excitedly waving around their fork heaped with spaghetti and slinging sauce everywhere) Fork!

Me: Fork who?

*wife and I lock eyes; we each slowly make "the face" as we realize what is about to come out of our 3 yea...

Do you know the guy who created the knock knock joke?

They say he won the no-bell price.

The best Knock Knock joke

Me- "Why did the chicken cross the road?"

Dad- "Why"

Me- "To get to the idiots house BAHAHA"

Dad- "That's stupid"

Me- "Fine this one is better, Knock Knock"

Dad- "Who's there"

Me- "The chicken :)"

Knock Knock Joke #1

Knock knock!

Who's there?

Wooden Shoe.

Wooden Shoe who?

Wooden Shoe want to upvote this joke?

Joke request: anyone know a good knock knock joke?

This is the best one I know (sorry).

Knock knock.

Who’s there?

Interrupting cow.



My favorite Knock knock joke

Who's there

I fling mop

I fling mop who?

You dirty little monkey!

"Wanna hear a knock knock joke?"

"Knock knock."

"Who's there?"

"The man with Alzheimer's."

"The man with Alzheimer's who?"

"Wanna hear a knock knock joke?"

A Bad Knock knock Joke

*Knock Knock*

"Who's there"


"Doctor Who?"

Peter Capaldi: yes

*Doctor Who Theme Intensifies*

A quick knock knock joke

Me: Knock knock

Reddit: Who's there?

Me: Wu

Reddit: Wu, who?

Me: Woohoo, it's my blue triangle day!

My six year old daughters first non-knock knock joke, told as a knock knock joke

Her: Knock Knock
Me: Who's there?
Her: Why did the chicken climb up the ladder and back down again?
Me: Sweetie, this isn't a how knock knock jokes work.
Her: Dad, this isn't a knock knock joke
Me: Okay.....
Her: To get to the other slide

Any good knock knock jokes for little ones?

I know I'm supposed to have a joke here but my 3 year old is obsessed with knock knock jokes lately and I'm out. Help a dad out here

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My favorite knock knock joke when I'm feeling like an asshole.

Knock Knock.

Who's there?


To who?

Actually it's 'to whom'.

Yet another knock knock joke

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Ash who?

Bless you

I'm sorry if this has been posted earlier. Was lazy to check. On the plus side, I came up with this just now.

Knock Knock Joke (created by a 4yo)

Knock knock

- Who's there?


- Apple who?



I know this great knock knock joke..

But you have to start it. Go ahead.

A terrible knock knock joke

Knock knock.
Who's there?
I eat mop.
I eat mop who?
Haha you eat your poo!

(Source: me in 3rd grade)

My favorite knock knock joke

"knock knock"

Who's there?

"Nine eleven"

Nine eleven who?

"You said you'd never forget"

Daughter’s favourite knock knock joke

Knock knock

Who’s there?

Interrupting paleontologist

Interrupting paleon...


Reverse knock knock joke

*Told to be by my dad about 20 years ago:*

Dad: Got a good joke for you, it's a knock knock joke

Me: OK...

Dad: you have to start...

Me: OK, Knock knock

Dad: Who's there.....

Me: ಠ_ಠ .... Well I don't know, IT'S YOUR JOKE!

(Dad i...

A knock knock joke my 7yr old came up with...

My daughter: "Knock Knock.."

Me: 'Who's There?"

My daughter: "A person who desperately needs a poo"

Me: "A person who..."

** (At this point she interupts me)**

My Daughter: blows a raspberry

Do you know what did the guy who invented the first knock knock joke got ?

The 'no-bell prize'

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