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What's your favourite insult?

Mine is: If I wanted to hear from cunt, I'd make one queef.

Now you go

What do you call a moist queef?

A quiche.
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What’s the difference between a bad hair day and a queef?

One is a fussy part.....
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I asked my gynecologist what the medical term for queefing is...


I went to a concert hosted by the Dyslexics Support Group.

Queef Latina was the headliner and they put on a hell of a show.
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What's the difference between a female American rapper and a South American woman who makes funny noises on bed?

One is Queen Latifah the other is Queef Latina
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Why does Queen Latifah hate dyslexics?

She doesn't like being called Queef Latinah
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Best porn star name

Queef Latina

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