Scientists, as an experiment, take two groups of people.
The first is a hundred men and one woman, the second, a hundred women and one man. Each group is put on an uninhabited island, and left alone.
A month later, the scientists check how the societies developed.
Island one:
The woman is sitting on a throne, proud as a queen. The men...
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One day Fred is sitting at his desk when he hears a voice in his head say "Quit your job, dump your fiance, sell your house and take all your money to Las Vegas."
Fred ignores the voice and goes back to work. Later that night he hears the voice again say "Quit your job, dump your fiance, sell your house and take all your money to Las Vegas." which he thinks about for a moment, then dismisses.
As the weeks went on, Fred started hearing the voice more an...
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Quit your job. Sell your house. Take the money and go to Vegas.
A man walks in his front door after a long day at work. Upon entering he hears a voice from out of nowhere that says:
"Quit your job. Sell your house. Take the money and go to Vegas."
He thinks he must have been hearing things, so he ignores it. The next day, upon arriving home, he...
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