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An Italian, a Mexican and a Newfie...

are working steel on a high rise 30 stories up in the air. At lunch time they all sit down on one of the beams and open their lunch pails. The Italian opens his and says "Mama mia not pizza again! If I get pizza one more time I swear I'm going to jump to my death.
Next the Mexican opens his lunch...
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A Newfie had caught two lobsters and was walking home along the coast ...

... when a cop drove by and saw him. The cop pulled over and stopped the man.

"Sir, are you aware it's not lobster season, and it's illegal to fish lobsters?"

"Me son," the Newfie said. "I didn't fish 'em. Deez lobsters are me pets."

"Sir, no one keeps lobsters as pets. I'll ha...
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A Newfie walks into a Toronto pub and takes a seat next to a very attractive woman.

He gives her a quick glance then casually looks at his watch for a moment. 

The woman notices this and asks, "Is your date running late?"

"No" he replies, "I just got this state-of the-art watch, and I was just testing it."

The intrigued woman says, "a state-of-the-art watch? ...
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A newfie was walking up the wharf with a small lobster in each hand.

He was half way up to his truck when he saw a fishery officer approaching him.
"Ha we got ya now buddy, that's a $10000 fine in each hand!" exclaimed the officer.
"Naw these aint no ordinary lobsters b'y, dese are me pet lobsters!" George said calmly.
"I takes em for a dip here e'ry day ...
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A Quebecker and a Newfie are sitting in a bar watching the 10 o'clock news...

... and they see a story about a man standing atop a building contemplating suicide. The Quebecker turns to the Newfie and says:

"I bet you $100 that guys going to jump."

"You're on", says the Newfie.

They watch for several more minutes, and then watch as the man swan dives to h...
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Two Newfies are flying a plane

Two Newfies were flying a plane and were getting ready to land.

The pilot says to the co-pilot “Alright let’s get ready to land! Follow procedure and give me the half flaps!”

The plane continues on it’s path towards the runway. The pilot notices that the runway looks a little short a...

Newfie execution

A Torontonian, an American and a Newfoundlander are involved in a grisly crime and are all sentenced to death. The executioner told them that they would each get to choose the method by which they would die.

Their choices were: lethal injection, electric chair or by hanging.

The Americ...
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I got the clearance from a Newfie

So this Newfie goes ice fishing.

He drills the hole, sits down, and puts his line in. Now he’s sitting there and he hears this ominous voice,
“There’s no fish down there”

Puzzled, the Newfie gets up, carries his things a ways away. He drills the hole, sits down, and puts his line i...
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A newfie, an American and a Englishman....

Are stranded on a desert island. Each day they search for a way home and some food to survive until the next when one day the Englishman stumbles upon a mysterious lamp. The Englishman rubs it and a genie appears.

"I will grant you one wish"
"Grant me to be home with my wife and kids" ...

2 newfies go fishing

So they go to the local marina and rent a small boat. After trying several spots they find a good spot and land many nice fish.

The guy in the front says to his buddy:

" This is a great spot, we should mark it"

So his pal pulls a sharpie marker out of his coat and draws a big X...
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An Acadian, a Newfie and a Quebec'er were walking down the beach when they they found a Genie's lamp

The Genie said that he would grant them each one wish. The Genie turned to the Acadian and asked "What will be your wish?"

The Acadian said "Well, I had to start working out West and they don't speak a lot of French there, so it would be nice if they would accept me for who I am."

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Two Newfies are moose hunting...

When they stop for a bite to eat. One newfie opens up a thermos and begins to pour out some soup.

"Whaddya got there George by?"

"Oh dis is me Thermos Steve by, keeps me hot stuff hot and me cold stuff cold! You should get one fer yerself by."

So the next day they are in the woo...
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Two newfies are robbing a house

Two newfies (guys from Newfoundland) are robbing a house.

One of them is upstairs, and after dropping a big lamp, he hears the home's owner get up to investigate the noise. As he gets close, the robber goes "Miiaaowwww" imitating a cat, then he hears the guy grubling "God damn it, stupid cat"...
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Newfie hooker

A Newfoundlander was walking home late at night and spots a woman in the Shadows.

"Twenty dollars" she whispers.

Perry had never been with a hooker before, but decides what the hell, it's only twenty bucks. So they hide in the bushes.

They're going at it for a minute when all of...
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Give a Newfie a fish, he’ll eat for a day. Teach a Newfie to fish,

He’ll draw unemployment all winter long.
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A joke about a Newfie couple having a baby.

A man and his pregnant wife live in a very rural part of Newfoundland in Canada. Late one night during a heavy rainstorm, his wife goes into labor. The husband sends for the doctor, who arrives and he and the husband have to hold lanterns because they had no electricity or other fancy things in that...
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Newfie joke (newfoundlander) east coast of Canada

A newfie named Clyde died in a fire and was burnt so badly that the morgue needed someone to identify the body. His two best friends, Clem and Zeke, came to do the job. Clem went in first and the mortician pulled back the sheet. Clem said "Yup, he's burnt pretty bad. Roll him over." So the mortician...

A German, an Italian and a Newfie are sitting on a steel girder...

...hundreds of feet above the ground, having lunch. The German opens up his lunch box and lets out a groan. "Mein Gott!" he says. "Not wiener schnitzel again! I'm so sick of wiener schnitzel, if I ever have to eat wiener schnitzel for lunch again I'm going to throw myself from this girder."

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A lobster trapper

In a small fishing village, a Newfoundlander was walking Up the wharf carrying two at-least-three-pound live lobsters, one in each hand.

It was three weeks after the season closed! Whom should he meet at the end of the wharf but the Federal Fisheries Officer who, upon viewing the live and wig...
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A Newfie, a little man, was sitting at a bar in Toronto when this huge, burly American guy walks in.

As he passes the Newfie, he hits him on the neck knocking him to the floor. The big, burly Yank says, "That's a karate chop from Korea."

Well, the Newfie gets back on his bar stool and resumes drinking his beer.

The burly American then gets up to go to the bathroom and, as he walks by ...

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A Newfie, a Torontonian and a Frenchman were at the last stage of being accepted into a government spy agency.

There was only one final test. The Frenchman went in first. The agent told the Frenchman, "Take this gun, go down the hall to the last room on your left and shoot your wife."

Frenchman says "I cannot do this, you're mad! I love my wife!"

"Well sorry sir, you are not fit for this agency...

Hunting License

A Newfie went hunting one day in Ontario and bagged three ducks. He put them in the bed of his pickup truck and was about to drive home when he was confronted by an ornery game warden who didn’t like Newfies.

The game warden ordered the Newfie to show his hunting license, and the Newfie pull...
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Newfie Joke

Three Newfies are out for a fun Friday night. They throw a box of beer in the back of the car and go for a drive. As the guy in the back is taking a swig he notices a cop behind them. "QUICK", he says, "drink your beer, there's a cop on 'r arse." But its too late, the lights are on, he's pulling the...

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A Newfie moves to the prairies..

Out there for a couple years he longs for his costal home.
One day while drive along the wheat fields he starts to notice them swaying in the wind. As he watches in amusement they start to remind him of the waters he was so fond off, so he decides to go and buy a canoe.

He launches the can...

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Good old Newfies. Newfoundland, Canada declares war on the U.S.A.

President Trump was in the Oval Office when his telephone rang.
"Hallo, President Trump, " a heavily accented voice said. "This is Archie, up ‘ere at the Harp Seal Pub in Badger's Cove, Newfoundland, Canada, eh? I am callin' to tells ya dat we are officially declaring war on ya!"

"Well Arc...

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A fight breaks out at a Newfie wedding...

Chairs are flying and women are crying. The police show up and arrest all the men involved in the scuffle.

They all are brought to the court house and all you hear is chatter. "Order in my court", screams the judge. "Can someone come up and please explain what happened?".

Jimmy speaks...

2 brothers and a newfie are going ice fishing.

After they load up the truck, the two brothers hop in the front, and the newfie jumps into the back bed of the truck. As they are driving across the ice, the truck breaks through and begins to sink. The first brother opens his door and swims to the surface. As he starts taking his clothes off, the o...
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Italian, Ukrainian and Newfie on a Lunch Break..

An Italian, a Ukrainian and a Newfie high-rise construction worker were all up on a huge building about to have lunch. They all took a seat and opened up their lunch boxes;

"Mama mia!" Said the Italian "Mya wife! She always give-a me meat-a-balls! If I get meat-a-balls in my lunch tomorrow, I...
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Why do Newfies want Québec to separate?

So it's a shorter drive to Toronto!
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These 3 Newfies are out fishing in the Atlantic....

...singing *row row row your boat* when a flying saucer appears and the aliens decide to try an experiment. They fire a beam into the boat that instantly removes a quarter of the Newfie's brains. The Newfies continue fishing and singing *row row row your boat.*

The aliens decide to intensify ...
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What is long and hard on a Newfie?

Grade 1.
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My favorite Newfie joke

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

There was a Nova Scotian, a Prince Edward Islander and a Newfie who were running from the cops. So they go down this side street and see three potato sacks and decide to hide in them. The police come along and think there's something suspicious so...
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A Newfie is sitting at the bar

A Newfie is sitting at the bar having a drink. All of a sudden, a terrorist walks in with a bomb strapped to himself. He sits down next to the Newfie, leans over to him and says, “I came here TO DIE!”

The Newfie raises his glass to the man and says, “Aye good on ya b’y, I came here yesterdi...
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Two Newfie brothers are looking for a job...

The first brother walks in and the recruiter asks "What do you do?" The Newfie replied "I'm a diesel fitter" and the recruiter says "Excellent, we can put you to work straight away in the oil fields." Excited, he goes and tells his brother he has a job. His brother walks in and the recruiter asks hi...

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A Scotsman and a Newfie were walking down the road when they saw a sheep with its head stuck in the fence.

A Scotsman and a Newfie were walking down the road when they saw a sheep with its head stuck in the fence.

"A'right! The perfect opportunity!" cried the Scotsman, who lifted his kilt and leapt on the backside of the sheep, shagging it furiously until he was satisfied.

Smiling, the Scot...

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A Newfie goes to a bar.

One sunny day, a Newfie was walking his dog down the street, when he noticed a bar along the way. He wanted to grab a nice cold beer, so he tied his dog's leash to a nearby tree, in the shade where it's cool. As the Newfie sits down at the bar and orders a beer, a police man walks in, and asks every...

Did youhear about the Newfie abortion clinic?

It's so busy there's a twelve month waiting list.
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Two newfies are walking down a path...

They see a sheep tangled up in a fence. The one says "man, I wish that was a pretty lady" to which his friend replys "i just wish it was dark"
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A Newfie family froze to death at a drive-in movie theater.

They were watching "Closed For The Season"

FYI Newfies are Canadians from Newfoundland. Newfie jokes are very similar to Polack jokes. Every region of the world has their "Newfies", and it's fun to find out what they are in different areas.
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Late for work.

A newfie rolls into his factory job at 10:30. The floor manager comes up to him and says:

"You should have been here at nine o'clock,"

The newfie responds:

"Why, what happened?"
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Canada's worst air disaster occurred earlier this morning when a Cessna 152 (a small two-seater plane) crashed into a cemetery in central Newfoundland.

Newfie search and rescue workers have recovered 825 bodies so far, and expect that number to climb as digging continues into the evening.
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The Hunting Contest (Newfie Joke, Canadians understand)

A Newfie, An American and a Canadian enter a hunting contest, the person with the biggest piece of game wins, the Canadian goes into the forest and shoots a deer, the Newfie goes "how did you do that?" the Canadian says " I followed the tracks and shot it". next the american goes out and shoots a mo...
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Two newfies were walking in the woods and they saw a goat had his head stuck in the fence...

So the 1st newfie says "I got an idea" he walks up to the fence and F _ _ ks the goat in the ass .
Then he turns to the second newfie and says "your turn"
So the 2nd newfie walks up to the fence and sticks his head in it.

A wife asks her newfie husband to stop by the grocery store on the way home...

She tells him, "pick up a loaf of bread, and if they have eggs, get a dozen"

He comes home later with 12 loaves of bread
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A Newfie is walking home kicking old bottles, when a genie pops out of one.

"I can grant you three wishes," says the genie, "so choose wisely."

The Newfie says "Give me a beer that’ll never run out."

A bottle appears in the Newfie’s hand and he downs it, but when we pulls it away from his mouth it’s still full. The happy Newfie continues walking home.
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A Canadian Army NCO was about to start....

...the morning briefing to all of his staff.

While waiting for the coffee machine to finish its brewing, the N.C.O. decided to pose a question to all assembled. He explained that his wife had been a bit frisky the night before, and therefore he failed to get his usual amount of...

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The CIA needed to hire a new member to the staff.

Well, the CIA was in need for a recruit, so they held out tryouts. Thousands of applicants showed up, most american. Needing only one person, they held tests, and interviews, and more tests, and more interviews, until they finally narrowed it down to these last three guys.

The first two ...

A poet and a Newfie die

They are met by St. Peter at the pearly gates. St. Peter says that to get in they must make a poem that says Timbuktu. For the poet this was simple and he said ; I was walking in the desert sand. When I came across a caravan. Camels walking two by two. Destination Timbuktu

For the Newfie thi...
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Two Newfie brothers, Bob and Tom, go to the unemployment office one day.

After hours of standing in line, Bob is called in to speak with a social worker.

The social worker asks him "What is your occupation?"

Bob replies "I'm a diesel fitter."

The social worker informs Bob that she just happens to know of a trucking company that is hiring for this pos...
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I tried to translate a joke from Canadian

Did you hear about the war between Nova Scotia and Newfoundland?. ? The newfies were throwing grenades the Nova Scotians were pulling the pins and throwing them back
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A mainlander is in Newfoundland on vacation...

And he buys a new canoe. He is in Central Newfoundland driving on the highway and he wants to test out his new canoe but doesn't see any water close by, but he sees a small field where the grass is blowing in the wind and it's sort of wavy and he decided to set the canoe in the field and see how it...

A man from Newfoundland has just moved to Calgary and enters a local pub.

The bartender says, "What'll it be?"

The Newfie says, "Three pints of beer, please."

The bartender says, "Are you waiting for someone else?"

The Newfie says, "No, this is in honor of my two friends. We all took jobs on the mainland, and before we left we agreed that whenever we ...
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3 men are repairing a barn roof when the ladder gets knocked over

A Frenchman, an Englishman, and a Newfie are all up on a barn roof doing repairs when a strong gust of wind blows their ladder away. The barn is in the middle of nowhere so they might have to wait days before someone passes by to save them.

They all begin looking for a way down but the only t...
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John sees a "boat for sale" sign and decides to go take a look...

Behind the sign the there is only an old tractor and a beat up truck, so he goes to the door and an old newfie answers.

John says "I'm interested in the boat you have for sale"

The newfie looks confused and says "no bye, I ain't got no boat for sale."

"But" John says, "you hav...
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The time Newfoundland went to war with Quebec

One time Newfoundland and Quebec went to war. A Newfie, being patriotic, signed up to fight and went into basic training. Now, Newfoundland was a poor province and the army didn't have enough guns so the guys was told to just pretend to have gun and shout "bang, bang".

Eventually he finished ...
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3 Canadian guys discover an old oil lamp...

3 Canadian guys - One Newfie, One Quebecois, and one from Ontario are working together on a construction site. While digging they discover an old oil lamp, which, when picked up immediately belches forth a smoky, strange looking individual they know must be a genie.

"Thank you for freeing me,...

[Discussion] Regional targets

I am wondering who are the preferred targets of jokes from where you are from, I have done a little research and have come up with the following so far:

| Region | Target |
| Canada | Newfies |
| England | Irishmen |
| America | Polacks |
| France | Belgians |
| Br...
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There was a German, an Italian and a Newfie on death row. The warden gave them a choice of three ways to die...

1. To be shot
2. To be hung
3. To be injected with the AIDS virus for a slow death
The German said, "Shoot me right in the head." Boom, he was dead instantly.
The Italian said "Just hang me." With a snap of the rope he was dead.
Then the Newfie said, "Give me some of that AIDS stuff."...
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At the logging camp...

A Newfie goes to northern Ontario to work in a logging camp. His first day, the foreman gives him a chainsaw and sends out to cut trees. He comes back at the end of the shift and the foreman asks him how it went.

“Jeeze, dat was hard work, but I did cut down two trees.”

The foreman say...

Newfoundland Fishermen

A Newfie Fishermen had no luck, and caught nothing, but saw his Fisherman friend had better luck he was carrying a bag of fish. He said to his friend "If i guess how many fish you have in that bag will you give me one of them?" His buddy who had the bag of fish says "If you guess how many fish I ha...
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