fathersireancestorforebeardiscipledescendentinheritorsforbearspythagoreansfolk metalakhenatonsurreyantecedentascendantroot

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Student 1:My name is Sean Archer and my surname represents that my forefathers were Archers

Student 2 : My name is Sarah Baker and my surname represents that my forefathers were Bakers

Student 3 : My name is John Dickinson and I fucking hate this game

Everyone's always talking about our forefathers...

I'm pretty sure there were more than that.
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As a Mormon, heritage is very important to me.

From a very young age, I learned all about my forefathers – *and my five mothers!*
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I don't know why some Americans have a problem with a family consisting of two dads...

I mean, the country itself has forefathers.
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A Chinese walks into a bar in America late one night and he saw Steven Spielberg.

As he was a great fan of his movies, he rushes over to him, and asks for his autograph.

Instead, Spielberg gives him a slap and says, "You Chinese people bombed our Pearl Harbour, get outta here."

The astonished Chinese man replied, "It was not the Chinese who bombed your Pearl Harbour...

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