amedeo avogadroturinphysicistpiedmontitalykrullraskolnikovdissociationresistordepolarizationcauseratomcivislimpiezacoulomb

What do you get when you have Avogadro's number of donkeys?


Avogadro's number walks into the CIA

One of the spies takes a look at him and says, "Gentlemen... we have a mole."

Why did nobody go on a date with Avogadro?

Because his number was too long

Why did Avogadro have trouble picking up chicks?

Because his number couldn't fit in their phones

What does a millennial mole eat for breakfast?

Avogadro toast

>!Special joke for chemists!<

Why was Avogadro executed?

He was a mole

Whats Avogadro's favorite arcade game?

Wack a mole.

I have but two words to describe Avogadro's Number

Holy moley!

TIL Amedeo Avogadro died of skin cancer.

He never got that nasty mol checked.

What do you make with an Avogadro?


I ordered some Avocado Toast at a cafe, but imagine my surprise when I was given 602214076000000000000000 pieces of toasts. It was then I realized...

...I'd accidentally ordered Avogadro's Toast.

What do chemists make guacamole out of?


What has 6.022 x 10^23 molecules and makes a great breakfast?

Avogadro toast

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