Having trouble understanding improper fractions?

Our helpline is open 24/7.
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I was having trouble understanding the importance of the computer mouse...

And then it clicked.
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This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

Choking on the Phonetic Alphabet

Last week, I was registering for a website when I ran into a little trouble and had to call their customer support. We were going through some basic form information and he was having trouble understanding my spelling so he told me to use the phonetic alphabet.

For those of you that don't kn...

a man finds a genie lamp

and the genie says I will grant you one wish...

The man thinks for a moment, and says, I'd like for you to build a road from my house to Hawaii, because I've always wanted to go there, but I don't like boats or planes, I'd just rather drive.

The genie replies, "that would be impossible...
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