Mob bosses who date both men and women are tollerated in the Mafia...
... they let bi-Dons be bi-Dons.
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In medeval times, the town bell toller died, and the priest was looking for a replacement
The next day, a gent showed up and said he was perfect for the job. Without introducing himself, he charged up the bell tower steps, with the priest following behind.
Instead of pulling the rope to ring the bell, the man backed up to the wall of the tower, put his head down, and charged like...
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There once was a man with no arms. [Long]
Despite this fact, when the town church was looking for a new bell toller, he went straight to the church. The pastor didn't believe the man when told he could do the job, but decided to humor him, saying "If you can ring the bell, the job is yours."
Excitedly, the man climbed the stairs to t...
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This joke may contain profanity. 🤔
A farmer was tending to his livestock.
George, a farmer, was tending to his livestock when he noticed something about the grass. The grass in his field had smelled like chocolate. Also, he notices that his cows wouldn't eat this part of the field. The pigs and chickens would eat it, but not the cows. Over time, the milk the cows made was...
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