Did y'all hear about the group of hipsters who drowned at the pond?

Turns out they were ice skating before it was cool

Did y'all hear about the purple stegosaurus?

He stuck out like a dinosaur thumb!

Did y'all hear about the Italian chef that died?

He pasta way, but his legacy will become a pizza history. I'm sending olive my thought and prayers to his family. How sad that he ran out of thyme, here today gone tomato, we cannoli do so much. I never sausage a tragedy.

Did y'all hear about...

Did y'all hear about the guys that broke into the police headquarters last week?

No? Well they stole all the toilets. The cops have no leads and nothing to go on.

Did y'all hear about the fat, alcoholic transvestite?

He just wanted to eat, drink and be Mary...

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

Did y'all hear about that cop that got caught smoking weed and masturbating in his patrol car?

Apparently he was a high wanking officer.

Did y'all hear about the three holes out back?

Well, well, well.

Did y'all hear about the accident during the Kowloon Percussion Festival?

There was a tamtam ensemble that was playing a piece, and one of the instruments fell off its stand and rolled into the crowd, injuring a few people.

Headlines were "Hong Kong Gong Song Gone Wrong"

Did y'all hear about the wine Uber started making?

It's kinda like a cab but not quite.

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