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My friend got a job working the counter at KFC

He didn't like it when I called him a "Chicken Tender".
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What do you call people who take care of chickens?

Chicken tenders
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What do you call someone who takes care of chickens?

A chicken tender!

Came up with this while putting chicken tenders out at my old job. lol
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I think the Rainforest Cafe takes the whole rainforest theme too far.

This one time I was sitting there eating my chicken tenders and they bulldozed 40% of the restaurant.
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What do you call it when all the hens in the coup resign the same day from their jobs laying eggs?

Chicken tenders.
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The waiter said to me “I just want to let you know that kids eat for free.”

I said “Good! I’ll take a water and some chicken tenders, and my daughter will have a steak and a kids Bud Light.”
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What do you call someone who looks after hens?

A chicken tender.
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The rainforest cafe is getting to realistic

I was just sitting there enjoying my chicken tenders when a bulldozer destroyed 30% of the cafe
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This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

I beat my cock until it was sore today...

Made brilliant chicken tenders!

What do you get from sensitive poultry?

Chicken Tenders
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What happens when you get a chicken nugget hard?

You get a chicken tender.
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