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A woman with no arms and no legs was lying on the beach...

A woman with no arms and no legs was lying on the beach as a fit, handsome man walked by.

"Sir," she said, "Would you do me a favor? I'm very lonely here. Would you give me a hug?"

"Certainly," he said, and knelt down to give her a hug.

She blushed and said, "That was wonderful....

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What do you say to a woman with no arms and no legs?

Nice tits, sweetheart.

What do you call a woman with no arms and no legs on a roller coaster?


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There is a woman with no arms and no legs crying on a bench at the local lake.

A man notices everyone just walking by her without stopping and starts to feel bad . He goes up to her sits down and says whats wrong ? "I have never even been hugged" she replied. So the man leans over and embraces her, yet she still crys .

What is bothering you now the man asks, "i have ne...

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A woman with no arms and no legs...

A man is jogging along the beach when he comes across a young woman with no arms and no legs sobbing. He decides to stop to ask her what it wrong. She replies, "As you can see, I have no arms and no legs. Today is my 21st birthday and I have never known the embrace of a man." Feeling sorry for h...

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A man is walking up and down a beach when he comes across a crying woman with no arms and no legs...

He asks the woman, “Why are you crying?”

She responds “Well, I’ve never been hugged.” So, he picks her up and hugs her, before continuing down the beach.

An hour or so later, he walks by the still crying woman again. He asks her, “Why are you still crying?”

She replies, “Well...

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A guy is walking down the beach and finds a woman with no arms and no legs...

A guy is walking down the beach and finds a woman with no arms and no legs laying in the sand...and she is in tears. "What's wrong?" the man asked. "I was born this way and I never really had any family to speak of. I've never been hugged by anyone my whole life." she replied. The man gracefully pic...

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