french language

Boudreaux and Thibodeaux got fired

They go to the unemployment office and Boudreaux goes in first. The man behind the desk says “Mr. Boudreaux, I’m sorry to hear that you lost your job. What did you do for a living?” Boudreaux replies “I’m a diesel fitter.” The clerk says, “Okay, diesel fitter is skilled labor, so we can give you...

Boudreaux picked Thibodeaux up for work every morning. One morning Thibodeaux didn't answer so Boudreaux left with out him. On his way out, he noticed Thibodeaux out in his cow pasture just standing there with his hands in his pockets.

On his way home from work Thibodeaux was in the same spot. Boudreaux didn't think much of it until the next morning. Thibodeaux didn't answer again so he went on down and there he was still in the middle of the pasture. This got the best of Boudreaux so he stopped to see what had gotten into his fri...

Boudreaux was walking down the wharf and he met up with Thibodeaux.

He says to Thibodeaux, "Hey podna, how y'all are?" Thibodaux says, "Mais, OK." Boudreaux says, "And how's your wife?" Thibodeaux says, "Mais, my wife's an angel." Boudreaux says, "You lucky, my wife's still living!"

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Boudreaux & Thibodeaux

One morning Thibodeaux was sitting on his dock enjoying the sunrise when Boudreaux pulls up in his boat filled with duct tape. Thibodeaux looks at him, and asks "what you doing with a boat full of duct tape?" Boudreaux replies "I'm going duck hunting! You wanna come?" "You can't hunt ducks with duc...

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Boudreaux & Thibodeaux eating

Boudreaux & Thibodeaux were eating crawfish. Thibodeaux got carried away sucking the heads and began choking. Boudreaux, being the international oilfield hand that he was, trained in first aid, recognized the international sign for choking, and jumped up to help him. He ran behind Thibodeaux, pu...

Thibodeaux had recently lost an eye

and gotten it replaced with a wooden one. A few weeks later, he went on down to the bar where he noticed a lady with a prosthetic leg.

Thibodeaux walked up to her and asked if she'd like to dance. She gasped and said, "would i?"

Thibodeaux yelled back "peg leg!"

Ballerina (A Boudreaux and Thibodeaux joke)

An extremely large, muscular woman, wearing a sleeveless sundress, walked into a bar.

She raised her right arm, revealing a huge, hairy armpit and pointed to all the men sitting at the bar and asked,

"Which of you men will buy a lady a drink?"

The bar went silent as the patro...

Boudreaux and Thibodeaux are sitting on the back porch one evening.

Thibodeaux hands Boudreaux a bottle of homemade bayou whiskey and says, "Boudreaux, I want you to have this bottle of whiskey as a gift from me to you."

Boudreaux thanks Thibodeaux and takes a swig out of the bottle.

Upon tasting the whiskey, Boureaux turns to Thibodeaux and says, "You...

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So Boudreaux decides to take Thibodeaux hunting...

the night before the big hunt Boudreaux warns Thibodeaux "Say T! We gonna be up dark and early, yea. Don't you go an stay up late now." And of course, Thibodeaux does just that. He stays up until about 3 A.M. Well Boudreaux wakes him up at 4, ready to go. While they're walking around, Thibodeaux say...

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Boudreaux and Thibodeaux are sitting in a bar...

They're both drinking heavily and having a great time when Boudreaux throws up all over himself.

"Oh man, my wife is gonna kill me when I get home and she sees this" cried Boudreaux.

Thibodeaux says "Don't worry" and he hands Boudreaux a twenty dollar bill. "When you get home, just te...

[Long] boudreaux and thibodeaux were a pair of good old country boys.

Boudreaux grew up to be a baptist pastor and thibodeaux became a catholic priest. These good friends even had their churches right across the street from each other.

Well one day boudreaux was putting a sign in his church yard and that thibodeaux was putting up the exact same one. The both s...

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Boudreaux and Thibodeaux had been hunting together ever since they were kids.

Squirrel, rabbit, quail, deer, you name it - cleaned and on the table. Now old men, Thibodeaux had developed a habit that greatly annoyed ol' Boudreaux... he would wander off, find a nice comfy spot to rest, and fall asleep, leaving Boudreaux to wander the woods looking for his friend.

Well, ...

Boudreaux and the moose hunt

Boudreaux and Thibodeaux get a pilot to fly them to Canada to hunt moose. They bag six of them. As the two Cajuns start loading the plane for the return trip, the pilot says, "The plane can only take four of those."

The two Cajuns object strongly. "Last year we shot six and the pilot let us p...

Diesel Fitter

Boudreaux and Thibodeaux worked together and both were laid off, so they went to the unemployment office.

When asked his occupation, Boudreaux answered, "Panty Stitcher. I sew da elastic onto ladies' cotton panties."

The clerk looked up Panty Stitcher. Finding it classified as unskill...

Working With The FBI

The phone rings at FBI headquarters.
"Hello, is this the FBI?"
"Yes. What do you want?"
"I'm calling to report my neighbor Adrian Thibodeaux! He is
hiding marijuana inside his firewood."
"Thank you very much for the call, sir."
The next day, the FBI agents descend on Th...

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A man takes his friend hunting.

Boudreaux takes his buddy Thibodeaux hunting with him one day. Thibodeaux is new to hunting and is very tired from getting up early. They split up and start hunting for the day. After a few hours, Thibodeaux needs to take a shit. He squats against a tree and starts to go, but he falls asleep mid pro...

It keeps the hot things hot, and the cold things cold

One morning, Boudreaux pulled up to Thibodeaux's house to give him a ride to work. As Thibodeaux got in the rusted, beat up truck he noticed Boudreaux's Thermos on the seat between them.

*"What's dat?"*, he asked, pointing at the Thermos.

*"Oh, dat der's a 'termos I gots at da Walmarts...

Keep it simple stupid

Drill sgt. looks at the recruits at basic and says, “I’m going to give you four important words in the Army and you need to make a sentence as quick as possible. The four words are; defense, defeat, deduct, and detail. Pri’ate Johnson, go!” Johnson just stares at the drill blankly. “Boom, you’re dea...

Boudreaux the Cajun.

Boudreaux and his girlfriend Clotile were making out at Clotile's house. Boudreaux said to Clotile, "I got to have you right now, sha. I got to make dat mad love to you right now." Clotile said, "No boudreaux. I ain't giving it up to you today. I'm on the rag."

So Boudreaux got mad and left ...

Two Cajuns were waiting at the bus stop when a truck went past loaded up with rolls of turf.

Boudreaux said, "I'm a'gonna do dat when I win da lottery!"

"What's dat?" asks Thibodeaux.

"Send da lawn off to be mowed."

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Cajun cock fight

The Sheriff down in Lafayette called Thibodeaux into his office.
"We have reports of an illegal cock fighting ring here in the Parrish, go down there tonight and see what's going on." Said the Sheriff

So that evening Thibodeaux put on his street clothes and headed out to the location. He w...

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Down in New Orleans there lived a man named Charlie.

Charlie ever since he was a young boy wanted to grow up to be a street car conductor. When he finally became old enough, he applied for the job and lo and behold he got it. Now Charlie was the friendliest street conductor that the city has ever seen. Not only did he never complain about his job, but...

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"12 Days Of Christmas - Bayou Style"

Day 1 Dear Boudreaux, Thanks for de bird in de Pear tree. I fix it
las' night with dirty rice. I doan tink de pear tree will grow
in the swamp, so I swap it for a Satsuma.

Day 2 Dear Boudreaux, You letter say you sent two turtle doves, but
all I got was two scrawny pigeon...

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