A tall guy walks into a bar

that's what he gets for being tall

I once knew a girl who only dated tall guys

I guess you could say she had a foot fetish

I asked a tall guy "how's the weather up there"

He spat on me and told me it's raining

Why Didn't The Tall Guy Get Into The Graveyard?

He wasn't under six feet.

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I went to school with a very tall guy named Jimmy Glasscock.

You could always see him coming.

A man walks into a bar and sees a 1 foot tall guy playing the piano.

Astonished the man asks the bartender,
“where in gods name did you find such a small man playing the piano?!”

“There is a genie out back granting wishes but..”

Before the bartender could finish his sentence the patron was out the door to search for the genie.

Sure enough t...

Tall guys of the world, unite! There are people who seek to discriminate against us!

Surely, you have noticed it by now. All over the Internet people are screaming about oppression and then saying, "#notallmen."

Three men die together in an accident and are sent to hell...

Two of the men are quite tall and lean, and the other man is a very short, fat guy.

The devil welcomes them to hell. He tells the three men that they have a chance to redeem their souls and go to heaven. If one of them men can find something the devil can't catch, he will let all three asce...

Schizophrenia is a very serious condition and shouldn't be taken lightly and joked about.

At least, that's what the 12 foot tall guy in my bedroom mirror keeps telling me.

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A middle-aged guy decides it’s time to get fit so he heads down to his local gym.

When he gets there he sees a poster promising “6 month super motivational packages, available in Silver, Gold and Platinum”.

Intrigued the guy asks for more information.
The guy from the gym says “OK” and calls for someone to come out from the back office. A beautiful fit woman comes out a...

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A Guy walks into a bar with an old doctors bag

A Guy walks into a bar with an old doctors bag

Guy walks up to the bar and the bartender says, "Hey guy whats with the old doctors bag you got there"

Guy says, "Its a magic bag, it grants wishes"

Bartender, "No shit?"

Guy opens the bag and a 1 foot tall guy hops out with ...

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One day Gary went into the local tattoo parlor with a somewhat odd request.

He had this great new girlfriend named Wendy , he explained , and while their sex life was dynamite , he was sure it would be even better if he had her name tattooed on his prick . The tattoo artist did her best to dissuade him , pointing out that it would be very painful and that most of the time t...

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