
Just sorted out the work rota for the zoo.

The lion sweeps tonight.
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A queue of souls are in the next world, awaiting to be sorted.

A man comes to an angel. The angel asks:

\- Have you been married?

\- Yes, I was.

\- Very well, here is your pass to Heaven.

The man right after him steps forward. The angel:

\- Have you been married?

\- Yes, twice.

\- Here is your pass to Hell.
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My wife sorted out some clothes she no longer wears.

I said what are you going to do with them? she replied give them to charity, I said why don't you just throw them away, she replied, there are a lot of starving women out there that will appreciate them.

I replied, anyone that fits into your clothes are definitely not starving.
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Took my wife to the doctor today, to try and get her tourettes sorted

Turns out that she doesn't have it, and I am actually a cunt and she wants me to fuck off

In Hogwarts Legacy what do you call your character sorted into Ravenclaw while omitting the use of fast travel systems?

Stairy Potter
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What do you call a drive full of sorted data?

Information in formation
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I must get my dyslexia sorted out.

I bought a car off ebay last week with no reserve.

The fucking thing won't go backwards.

I sorted by top of all time and copied and pasted the best joke here

I was just about to hit submit and a tow truck came along and hitched onto the back of my car. I jumped out and screamed, *Why are you towing my car?* The tow driver just stared back at me with this dead look in his eye, not saying a thing. *At least tell me where you're bringing my car*, I begged. ...
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