A Sunday school teacher asked her second graders……

if anyone knew another name for God. She was picturing answers like 'Lord' or 'Almighty'.
After a long moment of silence a little boy raised his hand and said, "Howard." “
Howard?" replied the confused teacher. “

You know," continued the boy, "Howard be thy name."

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Two second graders are fishing in the middle of a field

Ryan and Andrew see two second graders in a fishing boat in the middle of a field. They cast out their rods, reel in, and just pull up grass.

Ryan says to Andrew, "Man, look at those second graders out there. They're not going to catch anything!"

Andrew replies, "Yeah, think we should ...

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The Aquarium [NSFW]

So this guy who works in an aquarium gets summoned by his boss, who says to him: "I just walked by the dolphin tank and they're feeling very amorous. They're doing all sorts of things to each other. In two hours we've got three bus loads of second graders coming, and we can't have them watching thos...

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