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After some rough, sweaty sex, my wife said she wanted round 2.

I said, "Come again?"

What do you call a Mexican who can't get it up for round 2?

Juan and done.

I live in a trailer park and noises tend to travel.

My neighbour was banging this chick he brought home and it felt like it had been going on for hours. I was getting annoyed so in my best Mortal Kombat voice I yelled out, “FINISH HER!!!”
Thankfully they finished a few minutes later.
About 2 hours later I hear my neighbour yell out in his Mort...

Got any cancer jokes for a good cause?

Hi everyone, I'm not sure if this is allowed here or not, but I didn't see any rule against it in the sidebar so here we go (Mods, if this isn't OK, sorry in advance).

My younger sister was diagnosed with cancer a few hours ago. Dark humor is a staple in our family, so we spent my visit in t...

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A man walks into a bar...

He sits down and orders a drink and looks to the end of the bar to find a giant glass vase filled with hundred dollar bills. He asks the bartender, "What is that big vase of hundreds for?" "Oh that's for our challenge, but nobody can complete it." replies the bar keep. Naturally, the man is curious ...

A new drinking game

One night a man says to his wife “me and my buds are headed out drinking we’ll see you later” she’s says “okay” and the man heads out for the night. But around 2 or 3 am his wife starts to wonder where he is so she calls him and says “hey when are you coming home” her husband says “one more round of...

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Didn't you hear about that scandal at NASA's JPL in Pasadena?

hey guys, did you hear about that story that came to light a few years ago? At Caltech's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (where they assemble a bunch of the spacecraft that they go on interplanetary missions on, such as Voyager 1 & 2, all of the mars probes, and Cassini, for a few examples) round 2010...

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