A raw chicken strip dreams of being cooked and enjoyed one day

Until then, it's just a pre-tender.

This joke may contain profanity. ๐Ÿค”

A Psychologist once had a patient who masturbated with a raw chicken

He had a crippling addiction where he would masturbate with a raw chicken. This was really harming his social life and he became a recluse. His psychologist suggested he went cold turkey.

Did you know that raw chicken gives you salmonella but...

Raw salmon doesnโ€™t give you chickenella?

I must've eaten raw chicken when I named my kids

Because I ended up with Sam and Ella

(dad joke) What happened to the fish who ate raw chicken?

He got salmon-illa

How does raw chicken taste?


I was trying to track down a man and a woman, so I set a trap, and baited it with raw chicken.

And that's how I got Sam and Ella.

Did you hear about the blonde woman who has three hours of footage of raw chicken on her iPhone?

The cooking instructions said remove sleeve and film.

My roommate is a very foxy woman

She regularly goes through the trash, she constantly eats all my eggs, and I once saw her eat a raw chicken.

Will & Quentin

There were two friends named Will and Quentin. Quentin hated his name so he went by the name Q. Both of these kids weren't nerds in any regard, but they were both ridiculed for their abnormalities. Will was 16 years old and still was only 5'2'' (a small height for a young man his age) and Q was hosp...

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