I'm so sick of all these REPOSTS

For 25 years I have been working day and night to find the originator of the first joke. I think I may have found it in the original Hebrew Bible.

Adam spoketh to Eve and said, "Now see the mess thou has got us into. I should never have listened to you."

Eve replied, "How the hell was ...

I'm so sick of gravity.

It always brings me down

I'm so sick of millenials and their poor attitudes...

...always walking around like they rent the place.

I'm so sick of my friends not being able to handle their alcohol

Last night they dropped me 3 times while carrying me home

I'm so sick of film spoilers.

If anyone tells me what happens in the new Ted Bundy film I'm going to kill them.

I'm so sick of deaf people

They never listen!

I'm so sick of all the right vs left BS! it's all 'the left are so evil all they do is ..' or 'the right is so evil all they care about is ..'

First off, it's divisive and bringing out the worst in people. Completely ruining the country. Secondly, who the hell really judges people based solely on which Twix they prefer?!

I'm so sick of hearing necrophelia jokes

They've all been done to death.

I'm so sick of people making fun of the United States

Don't they know we're the third best country in North America?

I'm so sick of all the Irish stereotypes...

As soon as I put down this beer, I'm going to punch someone!

I'm so sick of all these unfunny dad joke reposts.

"Hi, So Sick of All These Unfunny Dad Joke Reposts. I'm Dad!"

I'm so sick of seeing so many lazy abortion jokes on here

Like can we just cut it out already?

I'm so sick of people looking at me funny because I choose to breast feed.

If I wanna get my milk straight from the cow, then that's up to me.

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

I'm so sick of this debate. Of COURSE, the chicken came first!

Are you saying I don't know how to properly fuck a chicken?

I was going to vote in the primary, but I got to the polling place late...

....and I just had to sit in my car until my favorite song, "Tom Sawyer," ended.

But by the time I exited the vehicle, it was too late for me to enter the polling place. I'm really frustrated because it's not the first time that has happened to me.

I'm so sick of Rush's interference i...

Different races need to be segregated.

I'm so sick of people combining biking, swimming and running and calling it one single race. "iTs A tRiAtHaLOn" shut up lmfao. Those are 3 different events, and should be treated as such.

A German, an Italian and a Newfie are sitting on a steel girder...

...hundreds of feet above the ground, having lunch. The German opens up his lunch box and lets out a groan. "Mein Gott!" he says. "Not wiener schnitzel again! I'm so sick of wiener schnitzel, if I ever have to eat wiener schnitzel for lunch again I'm going to throw myself from this girder."


There were three construction workers and each of them always ate the same thing for lunch.

1st worker : "I'm tired of sandwiches it's always sandwich, sandwich, sandwich!"

2nd worker : "I know what you mean... I'm so sick of tacos! urgh..."

3rd worker : "I hate these beans!!"

The second day it was the same thing for lunch.

1st worker : "...

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