Acceptance in Rainbowland has come at a high cost.

Sarah recently came out to her parents as gray.

How do you push the high costs of living out of your way?

You just got to budge it!

I was so depressed last night thinking about the economy, wars, jobs, my savings, my pension, the high cost of housing...

... so I called the Suicide Hotline. I got a call center in the Mid East and when I told them I was suicidal, they got all excited, and asked if I could drive a truck.

No vacation

With the high cost of gas and the airlines canceling flights right and left, I've come to the realization I won't be taking a vacation this year. I even told my luggage that as I sadly put them in storage. Now I'm dealing with a lot of emotional baggage.

The Garden Of Eden

Adam was in the Garden of Eden, by himself and very lonely. Yes, it was beautiful, but he had no one to share it with. So he begged the Almighty " God, I am very lonely. I would love to have a companion to share all of this splendor with."

A bit later God responds "Adam, I can provide you wit...

A man visits a zoo

A man visits a zoo and asks to speak to the director about the new "Rent-an-Animal" program. The zoo has fallen on hard times financially, so they decided to rent some of their animals outside the usual visitation hours. Usually its the small, cuddly ones, but this man asks for one of the elephants....

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