Did you hear the story about the dwarf who was caught climbing down a prison wall?

It was a little condescending.

Did you hear the story about the guy who couldn’t see, hear, smell, feel, or taste?

It made no sense.

Did you hear the story about the Man Eating Tree?

Well, long story short it was all bark and no bite.

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Did you hear the story about a woman who couldn't orgasm?

It was anticlimactic

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Did you hear the story about the peacock?

You haven’t? Well, it’s a beautiful tale

Did you hear the story about the old milk?

It was legend dairy

Did you hear the story about the cow that appears to have 5 legs?

It's a long tail.

Did you hear the story about Jesus the archer?

On the third day he arrows again.

Did you hear the story about the bad egg?

He ran down the street with his yoke hanging out.

Did you hear the story about the cyber-suicide bomber?

Blew up all over the internet.

Did you hear the story about the broken pencil?

It's pointless.

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Did you hear the story about the guy who was caught masturbating in a theater box?

It was quite a tier jerker.

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Did you hear the story about skin-toned bathing suits?

It was fake nudes.

Did you hear the story about the girl who tried overdosing on homeopathic pills?

She survived.

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