comedy rockpunk rockriaa

How does the cereal killer kill his victims?

With a snap, crackle and pop.

Did you hear the news about the guy who killed Tony the Tiger?

He's a cereal killer

All of the staff at the CoCo pops factory were murdered last night

They say it was the work of a Cereal Killer.

I hate cereal killers

they go against the grain

I read that Snap, Crackle and Pop were found murdered along with Captain Crunch and Tony the Tiger

Authorities suspect it's the work of a cereal killer.


Went into a store the other day and got caught stabbing boxes in the breakfast food aisle . The charge? Cereal killer.

A lot of people think Crop Circles are done by alien aircrafts...

I think they're done by Cereal Killers.

Did you see the news about the person they found dead in a bathtub full of milk with banana slices in the milk?

They think it was a cereal killer.

What do you call a grain murderer?

A Cereal Killer

My brother just ran into the kitchen and stepped on all our Cheerios!

He’s a cereal killer

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My grandad sent me this

Enjoy the fun & the pun.

Q: Can February March?

A: No. But April May!

Q: Did you hear about the painter who was hospitalised?

A: Reports say it was due to too many strokes!

Q: Have you heard the joke about the butter?

A: I better ...

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My next door neighbor was murdered.

Police found her facedown in a bath tub filled with milk. She had a spoon stuck in her ass.

They think it was a cereal killer.

What do you call someone who keeps smashing boxes of corn flakes?

A cereal killer.

I heard about a man who used poisoned Cheerios to murder people

He was quite the cereal killer

Q: what kind of murderer has moral fiber?

A: a cereal killer

What did the spoon dress up as to the Halloween party?

A cereal killer.

My wife asked, if the Cinnamon Toast Crunch guys are cannibals why do they keep hanging out together...

I said, I think it's the same guy eating all the other Crunch guys, he's a cereal killer.

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Be sure you lock your doors and windows at home...

Be sure you lock your doors and windows at home.

A local man was murdered in his home over the weekend.

Detectives found him face down in the bathtub.

The tub had been filled with milk and cornflakes, and a banana was sticking out of his ass.

Police suspect a cereal ki...

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Did you hear the news about a dead woman’s body being found in the park yesterday?

She was discovered drowned in a bathtub full of milk with a banana up her butt.

Police said this is the work of a cereal killer.

Did you guys hear about that girl they found murdered in Colorado? They found her covered in milk with cheerios still in her mouth.

They think it was a cereal killer....

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