You're It!

Einstein, Newton, and Pascal are playing hide-and-seek. It’s Einstein’s turn to be it, so he closes his eyes and starts counting, “Eins, zwei, drei…” Pascal runs off and hides under a big bush. Newton runs over to a nearby driveway, takes out some chalk, and draws a box around him that is one meter ...

One day God visits St. Peter at the pearly gates and tells him heaven is too crowded and to not let so many people in and gives St Peter a quota for each day.

Later that day 3 men approach looking for entrance into heaven. Peter turns to the men and tells them that only 1 of them is able to enter into heaven. To decide which one gets in he asks them how they died. He tells them that the man with the best death story will get into heaven.

The first ...

A Texas Farmer is visiting a Vermont farm

The Texan asks the Vermont farmer, “How big is your farm?”

The Vermont farmer points to a big bush and says, “well that there is one end, and it goes over to that barn, then back up to that road you can see there, and were sitting right on the fourth corner.”

The Texan ponders this for...

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