A person with an art degree walks into a bar.

They then head behind the counter and start serving drinks.

What's the difference between a pizza and an art degree?

A pizza doesn't deliver an art degree

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Hey, do you have an art degree?

Because you are coming up with creative ways to be an asshole.

Once I got my art degree I didn't need to deliver to people anymore.

Now they come to me, explaining what they want me to create. Then I ask them to pull up to the next window.

What's the difference between a person getting an art degree and a fast-food employee?


Roses are crimson, violets are violet

I have an art degree...you want fries with that?

A person with an engineering degree asks...

...how things work.

A person with a psychology degree asks why things work.

A person with an art degree asks, "would you like fries with that?"

A scientist, a doctor and a janitor discover an old lamp...

The scientist rubs the lamp and sure enough a genie pops out! "Thank you for releasing me!" said the genie, "You can have anything you like, providing you do one days work of a different profession. You may choose what you want to do." The scientist goes first, "Well I've always thought that being a...

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