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A victorian era joke

**What Is the Difference Between Stabbing a Man and Killing a Hog?**

One is assaulting with intent to kill; the other is killing with intent to salt.

Why don't Victorian era kids believe in Santa Claus

Cause they've been cleaning chimneys every Christmas yet havent seen anyone

My girlfriend said period jokes aren't funny...

So I ended up throwing away 3 pages of jokes i had written about the Victorian era.

what do you call a play about victorian era menstruation?

A period piece!

What is the difference between a tube and a foolish Dutchman?

One is a hollow cylinder and the other a silly Hollander.

Source (Cause I can't claim fame for Victorian era jokes): http://www.historytoday.com/blog/2011/10/victorian-jokes-best-19th-century-humour

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A bit of history

In the Victorian era the rich people drank tea from bone china cups while the poorer classes had to use earthen-ware mugs. Bone china can stand the shock of having boiling water poured directly into it but earthen-ware can't. So the upper classes would pour their teas and then add the milk but the l...

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