
A guy walks into a restaurant and orders minced pork shoulder and ham, pressed it into a block and served in a can.


**Rule 3 - No Spam posts.**

I bought minced meat but forgot to pay the butcher

He now has a beef with me

Rest in peace, garlic.

You will be minced.

Red sky at night; shepherds delight, red sky in morning; shepherds warning

Minced lamb, potato, onion and carrot; shepherd's pie.

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

“Oi, you!”

“Sheep shagger!” yelled the man as Llewelyn Jones walked down the high street, pointedly ignoring him.

“Yeah you, sheep shagger! Fucking sheep shagger!” slurred the man, before throwing his beer can into some petunia bushes and stumbling off in the other direction.

“The youth of today...

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