tavernenglandalehouseskittlessnookersamuel pepystied houseroman roadmiddle agescoaching innkaraokenorthern irelandwetherspoonscanadabar

A woman comes home and finds a letter from her husband on the dinner table

She opens it and reads:

"My Dear Wife,

you will surely understand that I have certain needs that you, as a 54-year-old, can no longer satisfy. I'm very happy with you and I value you as a good wife. However, after reading this letter, I hope you will not wrongly interpret the fact th...

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

A traveler notices an old man pounding drinks in an Irish pub...

He walks over and asks if the man is ok. He replies, "You know, I built the bridge that spans the stream in the middle of this village. But do you think they call me MacInnis the bridge builder?"
"No?" Responded the traveler.
"You're damn right they don't. I fought for the Allies against the ...

A Scotsman was looking for a room to rent for the night.

While walking through a rather dilapidated neighborhood, he came upon a sign outside of a rooming house:

>For Only $20 Ye Get
>A Room
>20 Course Dinner
>Dancing Girls

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