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Nice canned meat you got there

Too bad it isn't allowed here, rule 3.

How is Popeye like canned artichokes?

They both come in Olive Oil!

When the government criminalized canned meat...

People were reported for spam

If anyone gets a message from me about canned meat

Don’t open it. It’s Spam.

I won a lifetime supply of canned pineapple.

I'm looking forward to living on the Dole.

I once got fired from a canned juice company

Apparently, I got canned because I couldn't concentrate.

I took a class recently on the history of food preservation.

In the early days, metal containers were the cheapest and easiest to make, so almost all food was stored in cans. Tin was a particularly soft and easy to mold/shape, and didn’t rust like other options, so most preserved food cans were made of tin.

Things went great for a while, with some food...

What do you call canned pork laced with Ritalin?

Short Attention Spam

I hate jokes about canned meat

They’re mostly spam

The guy who made the opening theme music for The Exorcist is getting involved in the canned chicken business.

He’s called it Mike Oldfield’s Tubular Birds.

If you get an email that says canned ham can cause swine flu..

Just delete it because it's Spam

I drove by a truck carrying canned orange juice and almost got into an accident.

I should have concentrated on the road.

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