Bad pickup line: Dang girl, you smell like garbage...

Can I take you out?

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

Two dogs are sitting in a field.

First dog turns to the second dog and says damn man you smell like shit! Have you been rolling in shit?


Wow. That is foul. Is it like a compulsive behavior?


Do you do it to cover your scent up, like to ward off predators?


Is it some weird ...

A reverend gets pulled over...

The Police Officer asks, "Father, have you been drinking?"

The Reverend responds, "Only water, Officer."

The Police Officer replies, "Why do you smell like wine then?"

The Reverend suddenly yells, "Jesus, he's done it again!"

A man came home covered in glitter

His wife confronted him on the sparkling dust on his shirt and pants. “Honey, I was just helping our daughter make a Mother’s Day card for you.” The wife still slightly suspicious asked, “ok but why do you smell like cinnamon and honey” to which the husband replied, “damn you’re good. How did you k...

Mike is leaving his apartment to go to a club.

As he's leaving, he sees his neighbor Frank. The two are about the same age, but barely know each other. In fact, Mike doesn't even like looking at Frank because he's ugly as sin, not to mention he always smells like a wet dog. And so he waits a few minutes before leaving so he doesn't have to inter...

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