This joke may contain profanity. ๐Ÿค”

You can't spell advertisements without

semen between the tits

You can't spell pacifist without...

Long live 3PA. Long live Apollo!
P.S. Steve Huffman is a clown.

I bet you can't spell *part* backwards.

I knew you could really. It's just a trap.

So you say you can't spell very well.....

...they're, there, their, don't cry.

This joke may contain profanity. ๐Ÿค”

why are men the best looking on the planet?

you can't spell ยดsexyยด without XY

This joke may contain profanity. ๐Ÿค”

You can't spell lassie without ass...

and if you think you can, that's a lie.

So I drove to Alabama and there was a welcome sign

It said:

Welcome to Alabama and remember,

you can't spell cousin without sin.

Enjoy your stay!

You can't spell Quarantine

without U R A Q T

What do you get when you can't spell kid?


What the worst thing about being an illiterate wizard?

You can't spell.

COVID-19 Pick-Up Lines

If COVID-19 doesn't take you out... Can I?

Is that hand sanitizer in your pocket or are you just happy to be within 6 feet of me?

Since all the public libraries are closed, I'm checking you out instead.

You can't spell virus without U and I.

Baby, do you need toilet pape...

Did you know?

You can't spell manslaughter without man's laughter....

We all know humans are just cat's slaves, right? Yes. So a human was looking for a new home, to his cats disapproval. When the human said "I am the owner, I call the shots" how did the cat respond?

You can't spell homeowner without meow.

Art is suffering...

You can't spell paint without pain.

This joke may contain profanity. ๐Ÿค”

Why do Redditors like dick jokes?

Because you can't spell Happiness without "Ha Penis"

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