Yo mama so fat...

Yo mama so fat she has her own gravity

But she so ugly people are still repelled by her

Yo Mama So Fat

Ed Sheeran had a seizure trying to describe the shape of her

Yo Mama so fat, when she breaks a plate…

It’s usually of the tectonic variety.

Yo mama so fat. . .

I swerved my car to avoid hitting her and ran out of gas.

Yo mama so fat

Every time she's about to jump in the pool God says: "Noah, get the boat NOW"

Yo Mama So Fat...

She went skydiving and got stuck.

Yo Mama so fat that when she slid into my DMs….

My phone ran out of space.

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Yo mama so fat, they did a story on how fat she was on the channel 3 news

I switched to channel 7 and you could still see her ass in the corner of the screen

Yo mama so fat...

The only scale she could use is the Richter Scale

Yo mama so fat

when she eats Taco Bell, she gets the walks.

Yo mama so fat

She has a watch for every time zone she's in,
When she walks past the tv, you miss 8 seasons,
She beat galactus in a planet-eating contest,
Thanos couldn't snap her out of existence,
Flash died before he could do a lap around her
And she ate a black hole because she was hungry

Yo mama so fat…

That when she went to [insert foreign country] she became [home country]’s largest export

Yo mama so fat

she outta breath from taking the escalator.

Yo Mama So Fat

When she takes a bath she doesn't use any water and it still overflows!

Yo mama so fat

When she fell I didn't laugh, but the sidewalk cracked up

Yo mama so fat

She ate her laptop because the website said it had cookies in it.

Yo mama so fat...

Just thinking about her in my head I broke my neck

Yo mama so fat that

She uses Macrowave instead of microvave.

Yo mama so fat...

When she hauls ass, she has to make two trips.

Gimme your best yo mama jokes.

Yo Mama so fat, You can hide behind her back and still be visible...

Because of Gravitational Lensing.

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Yo mama so fat

The strip club calls her Hitler after all the damage she's done to the poles.

Yo mama so fat...

When she needs furniture she goes to a blacksmith.

Yo mama so fat

When she took her pants to the dry cleaners the lady said, "we don't do curtains."

yo mama so fat...

When she misses a meal the stock market drops

Yo mama so fat

The earth was actually flat until they buried her.

Yo Mama so fat

If she were in Star Wars she would be Admiral Snackbar

Yo mama so FAT

She can't store files larger than 4 GB.

Yo mama so fat...

...she had an heart attack while running an app.

Yo mama so fat...

her carbon footprint turned to diamond.

Yo mama so fat it's hilarious

I'm not laughing but the floor is cracking up

I would make a joke about how yo mama so fat...

But we shouldn't talk about the elephant in the room.

Yo Mama so fat that when she slid into my DMs….

The whole internet burped.

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Yo mama so fat...

That when she sends me nudes, my phone storage gets full.

Yo mama so fat...

it took Nationwide 3 years to get on her side.

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Yo mama so fat, when she has sex with multiple men its not called a gang bang,

Its called a team-effort

Yo Mama So FAT

When i was watching the simpsons and she walked past the Tv, I missed a whole SEASON

Yo mama so fat

That when her underwear got dirty and she went to the laundromat, they told her that they don’t accept parachutes

Yo mama so fat,

When she stubs her toe, her forehead ripples.

Yo mama so fat

I took a picture of her last year and it's still printing

Yo mama so fat

She can tip the scales without touching them because her weight is AoE

Yo mama so fat....

... she gave her memory-foam mattress to Goodwill and they sold it as a flying saucer.

Yo mama so fat...

She went to the beach and the lifeguard said “madam, could you please leave the beach, the tides waiting to come in”

Yo mama so fat

>!We’re genuinely worried about her. That kind of lifestyle is unhealthy. You should encourage her to walk more and lay off the Ben&Jerry’s.!<

Yo mama so fat

1 photo of her takes more space than your "homework folder"

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