Yo mama's so fat

she went out in high heels and came back in flip flops

Yo mama's so fat


Yo mama's so fat

when she sat on a memory foam it forgot

Yo mama's so fat...

...she has to upgrade her data plan every time she sends a selfie.

Yo mama's so fat

When she goes to the beach the tide comes in, but she's so ugly that it goes back out

[Edit] typo

Yo mama's so fat

Her nose can't even run

Came up with this myself and was quite proud

Yo mama's so fat, when she fell...

I didn't laugh, but the ground cracked up

Yo mama's so fat...

when she was diagnosed with a flesh eating disease, the doctor gave her 80 years to live.

Yo mama's so fat, when she wears yellow...

I praise the Sun.

Yo Mama's so fat...

Yo Mama's so fat, even Spock thought she outweighed the needs of the many!

Yo mama's so fat

That a growing group of people actually believe she is flat

Yo Mama's so fat...

She asked the Sorting Hat to put her in Waffle House.

Yo mama's so fat

Her favorite game show is Wheel of Four Chins.

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Yo mama's so fat

Her belly button was named 'The Mariana Trench'

Yo mama's so fat...

her wedding music was the jurassic park theme

Yo mama's so fat...

...she gotta stay 12 feet away!

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Yo Mama's so old... and stupid... and fat.

Yo Mama's so old she remembers when Captain Caveman was a lieutenant,

yo Mama's so old, when she went to school history class was just one paragraph.

yo Mama's so stupid, she has a glow in the dark sundial in her garden,

yo Mama's so stupid she went to the Dentist to fix her Blu...

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