Whats the difference between working hard and working harder

The emergency room

Got fired from my last job for working hard

last time I work at Victoria's secret

Little Ken Fok grew up working hard in his father’s restaurant in China

Every day before school he would get up at 6am and help prepare the dishes for that days lunch before coming home from school at 4pm to help with the evening shift by preparing and serving customers. He would make Spicy crab cakes, shredded pork and tofu. He would work until midnight and then repeat...

What do you call a bee that is working hard?


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Being a male pornstar takes a ton of dedication

No matter what you’re always working hard

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My boss told me to work hard yesterday.

So this morning I took a viagra and have been working hard for almost four hours.

A man is working hard at home...

He doesn't want to be interupted by anyone because he's very busy. Suddenly he hears a knock at the door. He angrily walks to the door and swings it open to see a snail at his feet.

"Hello sir! I was wondering if..." before he can finish what he's saying the may kicks him as hard as he p...

There were 2 blondes...

So I was sat on my porch one day and I saw 2 blondes working hard at the end of the street. One was digging a hole and the other would fill it in immediately after the first was done. This went on for about 2 hours until I walked over and said "Hey, you two are working pretty hard there, but I don't...

After almost thirty years of working hard in school, applying myself at college, and training and serving in the Air Force my application to become an Astronaut was rejected.

Turns out my mom was right, if I apply myself the sky's the limit.

Dolphin joke...made it up myself today. :)

An aquarium guide brought a group of visitors around to see the dolphins, which were split up into two tanks. In the first tank the dolphins were all having fun, playing around with a beach ball. In the second tank the dolphins were training, working hard on a new trick. One of the visitors asked...

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