A wise man once said “it’s better to say nothing at all”

An even wiser man didn’t say that

A wise man once said:

If you understand why pizza is made round, packed into a square box and eaten as a triangle

Then my friend, you’ll understand women.

A wise man once said....

if idiots could fly this tiktok would be an airport

A wise man once said that for a man to be happy, he must:

1. Find a woman who cooks well and knows how to keep the house neat and tidy.
2. Be able to exchange conversation with a woman that is at the same level as he is, intellectually speaking.
3. Be satisfied with his partner in bed.
4. Find someone who shares his dreams, visions triumphs a...

A wise man once said

A man is like a spider when he gets on the web his hands get sticky

A wise man once said, "One who stands on toilet...

is high on Pot."

A wise man once said...

"If you make a woman laugh, you've half-undressed her."

However, if you half-undress and she laughs, that's a different thing altogether.

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A wise man once said “When the rise of the machine happens...

Make sure you are nowhere near a dildo factory.”

A wise man once said “Life becomes much more peaceful when you realize you are not responsible for the projections of others.”

…the movie theater manager then proceeded to reconsider his career.

A wise man once said, "Nothing worth doing is without risk..."

Well, he almost did, but he was worried someone might laugh.

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A wise man once said, a cheating wife is like a deck of playing cards...

You need a heart to love her

A diamond to marry her

A club to smash her fucking head in

And a spade to bury the bitch...

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Feeling good

A wise man once said: If you keep your hand in your pocket, you will feel cocky all day.

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