Why did the cows come back to the marijuana field?

The pot was calling the cattle back

Why did the cows stop smoking weed

Because it got to the point where the steaks were too high !

Why did the cow cross the road?

To get to the mooovies!

Why did the cow go on holiday?

Because it had a wee calf!

Why did the cow travel to the moon?

To checkout the Milky Way.

Why did the cow wear a bell around its neck?

Because her horns didn't work.

Why did the cow go to Hawaii?

To attend her first Mooau!

Why did the cow cross the road

I dont know or care i just wish he mooooved out the middle

Why did the cow want to be an attorney?

For all the moo law

Why did the cow go to the spa?

She really needed a good rej-hoove-ination!

Why did the cow wear a neckerchief to the MMA fight?

It was mooey tie night.

Why did the cow jump up and down

To make a milkshake

Why did the cow starve to death?

Because a vegan ate its food.

Why did the cows have to flee the farm's cannabis field?

Because the steaks were high when the pigs rolled in...

Why did the Cow go to the psychologist?

Because she was Moody :I

...I'll see myself out :|

Why did the cow fart in the can?

When I was a kid, my father was watching a show where people told jokes and they did one of those "coming attractions" things before it came on and it had someone tease "why'd the cow fart in the can?" and then they cut to the next commercial. The good ol' cliffhanger.

Apparently they never ...

Why did the cow get a raise?

She was out standing in her field

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

Why did the cow get a divorce?

Because she couldn't take her husbands bullshit.

Why did the cow tip over?

Excellent service.

Why did the cows cross the road?

They wanted to go to the mooo....vies

Why did the cow jump over the International Space Station?

The decline in our rocketry capability means it couldn't jump over the Moon.

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