Walter White decided to buy a pizza for his son

Walter: Hey son I bought you a pizza so you can share it with your friends.

Flynn: Thanks dad, how much do I owe you?

Walter: It's on the house.

Why does Walter White never pay for pizza?

It's always on the house.

How did Walter White crash the car?

Because he was Braking Bad

What does Mike Tyson, after he's finished baking, have in common with Walter White?

A methy kitchen.

Why did Walter White take off his pants?

He was worried they'd get methy.

what do you call a pepper sprayed Walter White?


We've just found out something crazy about your grandpa, he's just like Walter White!

Was not a fun way to be told that he has lung cancer

What does walter white order at a mexican restraunt?

Rice n' beans

If Walter White made weed instead of meth...

It would be called Breaking Bud.

How does Walter White make a stir fry?

With Ricin

What did Walter White teach?

Advanced methematics.

What's the difference between Walter White and Kool Aid man when it comes to children's privacy?

One of them knocks

What is Walter White's favourite band?

Well it's not Saving Jane, that's for sure.

Heisenberg weighs 145 pounds.

He's a welterweight Walter White.

Knock Knock

"Who's there?"

"Walter White." Of course.

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