What did the imaginary girlfriend say?

The first rule of relationship is don't talk about the relationship.

Two old men are sitting on either end of a park bench...

On one side, the old man is quietly reading his newspaper.

On the other end of the bench, that old man is pantomiming fishing. He takes our an imaginary worm, baits an imaginary hook, casts out with his imaginary rod, and slowly reels in the imaginary line. He then unhooks an imaginary fi...

"According to relativity, time itself travels at the speed of light, but along the imaginary axis."

"i c"

A team of Ukrainian civilians is training with cardboard guns when the Russian army suddenly surrounds them.

Hoping to scare them off, one of the civilians points their fake weapon at a Russian soldier and shouts "Bang!" as loud as he can. Amazingly, a soldier directly in front of his rifle staggers back from the hit and falls over dead. The other civilians are astounded, but they realize that somehow th...

My girlfriend and I have a complex relationship.

I'm the real part and she's the imaginary part.

My dad always tells math jokes in a weird way.

He tells the imaginary part first.

I broke up with my first girlfriend because she didn’t believe in me.

Which was ridiculous, because she was the imaginary one.

Women are like numbers ...

* Some are Rational, but infinitely more are Irrational.

* The Real ones might be Proper or Improper, but only the Imaginary ones are ever Pure.

* Some are Natural, the rest are Negative, or just not there.

* Some are Prime, but those are hard to find.

* Every other one i...

Perplex Numbers

I was talking to my physics professor the other day, and some theoretical work he did with tachyons came up. A tachyon travels faster than light, and in order to use some of the math from special relativity, one had to define what he called "perplex numbers"--numbers with negative absolute value. He...

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Johnny is playing with his train set...

while his mother is in the kitchen washing dishes. Suddenly she hears him saying to the imaginary passengers " if any of you fuckers want to eat, the fucking dining car is open".

Shocked, she runs at him and tells him he had better watch his mouth or she'll wash it out with soap.


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