I heard about people using cedar instead of silicon for breast implants, but think about if it happened to you, it'd be super weird,

Wooden tit

Decided to eat some chips yesterday

Apparently that's "super weird" and "completely inappropriate at a poker game"

Uncle got surgery to get 12 nipples

It's not just me, it sounds super weird, dozen tit?

My dentist said that my gag reflex was much more sensitive than my wife's.

I didn't think anything of it at the time. Later, I realized it was super weird, because we go to different dentists.

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A tourist is walking back to his hotel from a night of heavy drinking when he suddenly feels the need to pee.

He ducks into a dark alley and relieves himself, when he suddenly hears a raspy voice behind him.

"Hey, hey, mac," the voice says. " Wanna make fifty dollars?"

The man yells, "What!? Who's there!?"

"Relax, man, don't turn around," the voice says. "Listen, man, it's simple. I'll ...

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