What’s the Most Stupid Animal in the Jungle?

The Polar Bear

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A cowboy caught by the Indians

A cowboy was taken prisoner by a bunch of angry Indians. They were all prepared to kill him but their Chief declared that since they were celebrating the Great Spirit, they would grant the cowboy three wishes before he killing him. The cowboy can do nothing, but obey them.

The Chief comes up ...

A bear walks into a bar...

and he says to the bartender, “Give me a beer!” The bartender is very scared by this so he runs out of the bar to go find the owner. The bartender runs up to the owner and says, “Sir! Sir! There’s a bear in the bar and he wants a beer!” The owner asks, “Don’t we sell beer?” “Yes,” replied the barten...

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A man walks into a bar with a monkey on his shoulder...

He orders a drink, and the monkey starts wondering around the bar, touching and sniffing all the things. Eventually it picks up a pool ball, looks at it for a bit and swallows it!

The bartender sees it and disturbingly tells the man - "your monkey just swallowed a whole billiards ball"! The m...

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